
Folks, i almost forgot i have a blog until someone commented on one of my posting and a notification elerted me.

And so.. the month of Ramadan finally begins..

Well, i was looking forward though i am quite the rascal in the past.. for not having the  patience to wait until dusk to eat and drink.

As you get older and wise Ramadan will  be another platform to redeem yourself, seek forgiveness, mercy and blessings from the  Almighty..

“You can’t be old and wise, if you were never young and crazy.”

While it is in session, you would want to get fully engaged for the maximum reward the almighty had promised.

Ramadan will come and will also leave. Therefore we may not know, it may be the last Ramadan for you.

In this region where i lived, the days in Ramadan is  hot and stuffy, so, it can be a reàl test physically and spiritually.

Nonetheless i do enjoy fasting and believe me i have not missed a single day of fasting for the last twenty or so years during Ramadan.

And the night will even be merrier being in the company of fellow congregation, who are more or less your age, whom are also retirees and they are your own circle of friends  performing  the terawih prayers. Sometimes you could be surprised by the jokes they cracked up.

And I am happy.. folks.

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. …

Well.. thats about all for the time being folks. Be good and be happy ya..
